I promised to share some news from SAP Expert recently. If you get this article via email or RSS, you are now on the new delivery platform. Hope you like it.
Another piece of news is that SAP Expert is now not only a blog of SAP-related articles. If you look at the top of the page very carefully, you will notice a new link there: Jobs!
Yes, you understand it right. There is a job board available for you.
What is available on that site for readers? These are vacancies that I get in my inbox. I am not interested in many of them for one or another reason, but these vacancies may be very relevant for you. I have already helped many of you with the CV review tips. But that was a very limited help. That’s why I decided to share job offerings with a much bigger number of you, my readers. Feel free to browse the vacancies, subscribe to get new updates by any available option that you can see on the site. If your browsing was successful and you found a job, you may wish to say “thank you”. Please contact me about it, and we’ll discuss.
Are you a recruiter and you want to see your ad on this job board? Feel free to send your articles to sapexpert@sapexpert.co.uk, and your vacancy will be published there for free.
Dmitry Kaglik
December 4, 2017
Job, SAP
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