Bank statement is the document that tells the bank account holder the status of the bank account balance along with the list of incoming and outgoing payment transactions.
When the statement is received, it should be entered into SAP system to reconcile bank accounting and general ledger, mark payments as processed, invoices as paid and so on. There are multiple ways how the bank statement can be entered into SAP system.
Receiving a bank statement is one task, and another one is to monitor that all bank statements for all bank accounts were received and processed in time. Is there a tool from SAP for that?
Enter BCM-BSM functionality. To explain the abbreviations, it is Bank Communication Manager, Bank Statement Monitor functionality. It is a part of Financial Supply Chain Management module (FSCM). You may need to activate this component FIN-FSCM-BNK separately in the list of Business Functions (transaction SFW5). It is also advisable to implement SAP Note 1486308 if it is applicable to your system.
BCM-BSM functionality allows you to monitor bank statements for bank accounts. The way how you receive the statement and enter it into SAP is not important. The following parameters are checked:
To call up Bank Statement Monitor, you need to run transaction FTE_BSM.
The configuration of Bank Statement Monitor is simple. Of course, it is just an addition to the configuration of bank statement entry and processing, which is much more difficult task. Whole BSM configuration is kept in the IMG transaction FTE_BSM_CUST.
Here you list the bank accounts you need to see in BSM report. You enter Company Code, House Bank ID and House Bank Account ID for each bank account.
For each account you also need to tick checkboxes for the checking parameters available in FTE_BSM transaction. Please see them above. In addition to these checkboxes, you can configure specific parameters for some of the checking options.
First, you need to tell the system how often you receive the statement: daily, monthly, every 2 weeks and so on. If you only receive the statement on certain days, you may assign Factory Calendar here. It will ensure that the indicator responsible for timely bank statement receipt shows the correct information.
Separate field allows you to configure a tolerance between the bank statement and bank GL account balances, if these balances do not match. Usually this tolerance should be zero, but you can put your own value here. Tolerance is entered in the bank account currency.
If you need to see bank accounts in a specific order, you can enter the position in the list too.
Once you configured the Bank Statement Monitor transaction, you can run transaction FTE_BSM. Selection screen of the report allows you to limit the set of company codes, house banks and house bank accounts. It also gives you the option to run the report for the specific key date. Current date is default.
The results will show you a list of house bank accounts according to selection parameters and configuration. For each bank account you will see bank statement opening and closing balance, debit and credit turnovers, GL account balance, a difference between the GL and closing balance and, of course, four traffic light indicators for each of four possible checking parameters. There is some technical information about the bank account, bank statement and its entry too.
Some of the report fields are underlined. Clicking it, you get details of the most recent statement for the bank account, or list of the bank GL account line items.
Background running of this transaction is not allowed, you so need to consider performance aspects when running the report too.
As you can see, the implementation of the Bank Statement Monitor is simple enough, but it gives users a powerful cockpit to monitor the bank statements process.
Do you have questions about BSM-BSM or any other FSCM-BCM components? Why not ask SAP Expert?
[…] is a separate article from SAP Expert that describes the functionality and configuration of Bank Statement Monitor in more […]