Different types of document reversals in SAP systems

There are many types of documents in SAP systems, and many documents can be entered in a variety of ways. We already discussed ways to enter invoices, payment documents, import bank statement and so on.

But what if you posted an incorrect document? Can it be deleted? In most cases, the answer is very short: No. Posted document cannot be deleted from SAP system. You need to correct the entry in a different way. Most often, this is a reversal process.

Let’s have a look at some reversal documents and discuss their specifics.

Financial document

If you posted an incorrect financial reversal, you can most often reverse it using the transaction FB08. If original document contained open items, they will automatically be cleared during the reversal.

As simple as that.

Clearing document

Clearing document is another type of Financial document in SAP. It’s specific is that it contains clearing information for open items posted in other documents.

You cannot reverse clearing document with transaction FB08. Instead, you need to use transaction FBRA. Sometimes FB08 automatically takes you to FBRA, but that is not always the case.

Transaction FBRA will ask you whether you want only reset clearing, or reverse the clearing document too. If clearing document contains some automatically generated line items, e.g. foreign exchange difference postings, then reversal becomes a mandatory step.

As a result of FBRA work, initially cleared items will become open again.

If line items from your clearing document are already cleared by another document (think about chain of clearing documents paying multiple invoices with multiple payments), then you need to reset the subsequent clearing first. In other words, sometimes you need to undo a significant chain.

Assets document

There are some documents in SAP that only relate to Assets Accounting. Transfers, partial retirement, cost adjustments – these are just few to name. They can be entered in a variety of ways. But if you want to reverse such documents, then AB08 is the transaction for reversal.

The results of AB08 can vary depending on the original document. It is not necessary that AB08 will immediately post to the General Ledger. However, the values will be used during the next depreciation run.

Billing document

Billing document is a result of the sales process that reflects the customer liability. It is a part of SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) module and it is usually posted in SAP Finance.

Reversal of billing document is done in transaction VF11. This transaction creates another billing document that effectively cancels the original one. Both original and cancellation documents are posted into SAP Finance, and should clear open items on each other. In a rare occasion this does not happen, and you should investigate the reasons for that.

Material document

There are many types of material documents in SAP, depending on the type of goods movement. Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Goods Transfer are just few to name. Some of them can be posted from a process-oriented transactions. For example, picking process in SAP may have a Goods Issue button. However, the generic transaction for all stock movements is MIGO.

It is not a surprise that same MIGO transaction can also process material document reversals. These reversals are usually done using movement types with an opposite sign to original transaction.


Material documents mean stock movement, and there may be some stock price changes between the original and reversal steps. This may lead to some unexpected results like negative stock value or MAP. Please be aware.

Reversals of material documents are also material documents. Both of them have underlying FI documents. If these FI documents have open items (e.g. GR/IR accounts), then these items will not be automatically cleared. You need to clear them manually or set up an automatic clearing job.

Logistics invoices

Logistics invoices are those vendor invoices that relate to Purchase orders. They are usually posted in MIRO transaction or its siblings.


Reversal of logistics invoices is done in transation MR8M.

Similar to article documents, reversal of logistics invoices does not clear open items. You need to do that in separate steps. Yes, steps – not just one step. That is because your FI document usually has vendor and GR/IR account items. If your tax GL account is maintained with open items, then that is yet another clearing step.

What types of document reversal do you use?

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