If you are reading this post, you are more than likely to work with SAP in one or another way.
How many years have you been working with SAP? 1, 5, 10 or 25 year? Every of them is especial because it adds to your knowledge, to you expertise.
You are probably aware that the author of most articles of this blog, and even the author of the free e-book about SAP Finance, is Dmitry Kaglik.
Today, the 3rd of September 2021, is exactly 20 years since Dmitry joined SAP world. Twenty years ago was his first experience with SAP system.
Is it much? It’s probably more than most of the readers of this blog have. But other readers and consultants can easily dwarf that.
Anyway, the road continues. Let’s keep going through it together. Subscribe to this blog and keep in touch!
Dmitry Kaglik
September 3, 2021
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