Hello, dear friends. First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Vitalii and last 15 years have been working in SAP HR/HCM field in global companies with 50k+ employees. I’m a top SAP HR blogger in Russia at https://saphr.ru and have recently started my English version of blog at https://saphcmsolutions.com
Today I want to share with you how to generate SAP Business Partners from Employee records. Finally we’ll have personnel number in SAP HR in PA20 transaction and a business partner with Employee role in BP transaction. SAP Business Partners are core entity in S/4 HANA solution as it allows to look at the same person or company under different angles. The same person could be our employee and vendor providing office supplies in his spare time. If we work with staffing agencies we can have one business partner as an agency with multiple contractors working through this business partner. And all of them will be linked together with relations in SAP Business Partners functionality. Good thing – it’s free of licensing. Setup and use it.
I assume we have a clean green-field installation (a development client was copied right from 000), so many default things could be skipped.
By default we have all switches set in ‘Activation Switch for Functions’. Also default Employee role is predefined by SAP with code BUP003 (see V_TB003).
Under ‘Number Ranges and Groupings’ it’s important to setup correct number ranges. I prefer to use internal number ranges.
Here we can setup HR Employees and Org units integration with SAP BPs. Go to ‘Activate Integration’ and make switches look like this.
For testing purpose let’s activate logging functionality in ‘Activate Logging/Error Analysis for Data Synchronization’. I’ve set HRALX MSGRE switch to 2, so all processing errors will be sent to my SAP Office mailbox in SBWP transaction.
Let’s synchronize our current employees with BPs. Open SE38 and run program HRALXSYNC. Tick ‘Employees’ on the first screen.
All red icons show us the data differences. Click the right-most button in the toolbar to sync the data. After it finished open transaction BP and search for the new business partners. Here what I have.
SAP synchronizes several infotypes by default, like personal data (0002), address (0006), org assignment (0001). If we want to provide some more info or change the behavior, then BADis could help.
If we reran the same program and choose ‘Organizational Units’ on the first screen it would have created org units as business partners and relations between org units and employees.